Design and Fabrication of a Smart Temperature Transmitter for Thermocouple

Sandeep Kumar*, Bedasruti Mitra**
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, Tamilnadu, India.
** Department of SAP Supply Relationship Management (SRM), Tata Consultancy Services, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2019


Enhancing the smartness of any electronic gadget or measuring system is highly encouraging. This article mainly focused on the design of a smart temperature transmitter for thermocouple. The transmitter consists of four functional block, viz. sensor module, signal conditioning unit (SCU), the processing unit and output module. The signals from thermocouples are fed to SCU for amplification and filtration of the thermocouple output. The proper amplified signal is now ready to be processed by a processing unit called a microcontroller. With the piecewise linearization technique, it computes the measured temperature and also performs the cold junction compensation using voltage from the IC sensor. Auto ranging logic is performed to generate 4 to 20 mA (milliampere) output signal for all thermocouples irrespective of their temperature range. The output module consists of a DAC, followed by a voltage to current converter and an LCD display panel for displaying various parameters or information. This design and fabrication work considers only three thermocouples (J, K, and T), but can accommodate upto seven thermocouples.


Design and Fabrication, Smart Temperature Transmitter, Thermocouple (Type J, K, and T), IC Sensors, Microcontroller, Signal Conditioning Unit (SCU).

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, S., and Mitra, B. (2019). Design and Fabrication of a Smart Temperature Transmitter for Thermocouple. i-manager's Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 7(3), 21-32.


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