Although the antecedents of governance mechanisms have been studied in depth in manufacturer-distributor and procurement literatures, using transaction cost, resource-based view, and socio-political frameworks. Do the guidelines provided by these frameworks hold true for logistics-based exchanges as well? Regression analysis is used to test a key relationship-driver from each of these frameworks, namely, asset specificity, logistics capability, and dependence and their relationships with two social governance mechanisms of commitment and information sharing. In order of importance, logistics capability is positively related to both the dependent variables; asset specificity is of secondary importance and positively related to information sharing only. The impact of dependence is non-significant.


Importance of Transaction Cost, Resource-Based View, and Dependence in Logistics-Based Exchanges

Harash Sachdev*
Marketing Department, College of Business, Eastern Michigan University
Periodicity:December - February'2012


Although the antecedents of governance mechanisms have been studied in depth in manufacturer-distributor and procurement literatures, using transaction cost, resource-based view, and socio-political frameworks. Do the guidelines provided by these frameworks hold true for logistics-based exchanges as well? Regression analysis is used to test a key relationship-driver from each of these frameworks, namely, asset specificity, logistics capability, and dependence and their relationships with two social governance mechanisms of commitment and information sharing. In order of importance, logistics capability is positively related to both the dependent variables; asset specificity is of secondary importance and positively related to information sharing only. The impact of dependence is non-significant.


Transaction Cost, resource-Based View, Dependence, Logistics Exchange, Governance Mechanisms, Relational Exchanges.

How to Cite this Article?

Harash J. Sachde (2012). Importance of Transaction Cost, Resource-based View, and Dependence in Logistics -based Exchanges. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 6(3), 1-10.


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