Survey on Cloud Computing Load Balancing

Chandu Vaidya *, Kalpana S. Bhure**
*-** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


A wise person is the basis of counseling just as cloud computing is a computer particle. Cloud computing is an unmistakable, limitless, unchanged, remarkable, upright, pervasive technology of the present period. This also pursues enormous capability to support all end users with fancy facilities. Cloud computing has multi-tenancy features, virtualization, load balancing technology, security, scheduling and much more. Cloud computing Virtualization (helping design of the cloud) enables users to access several virtual machines or their features, delivering pay-per-use services to those. Load Balancing is one of the big issues of cloud computing. Load balancing is the strategy used to divide the load between various computing elements that are available and to equalize load with virtual machines to achieve efficiency and improve the throughput. Cloud computing is a massive network and behaves heterogeneously. But it could be an incentive for inappropriate allocation of loads and unequal use of resources. A survey on cloud computing models, load balancing & scheduling process is carried out in this paper. By considering the different parameters of the resources, many authors have proposed the solution on load balancing problem. Here, we suggest a new load balancing method (Decider, Threshold based), taking into account various parameters such as RAM, CPU consumption, network traffic statistics. We also concentrate on scheduling at the local and global level for optimal use of computing elements and thus reduce the task's overall execution time. Based on comparative analysis we will assess the efficiency of algorithms / servers.


Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, Scheduling Algorithms, VM, Statistics, Cloud Models, Deployments.

How to Cite this Article?

Vaidya, C., and Bhure, K. S. (2020). Survey on Cloud Computing Load Balancing. i-manager's Journal on Cloud Computing, 7(1), 32-46.


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