o C.


Performance of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System using Waste Heat Source

J. Siddhartha Yadav*, Ch. Manikanteswar Rao**, V. Vinay Kumar***
*-*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.10.3.17142


One third of heat energy generated by the automotive internal combustion engine is wasted in the exhaust system. The total heat energy supplied to the engine in the form of combustible fuel approximately, 35% to 40% is converted into productive mechanical work and the remaining energy in the form of heat is expelled by the exhaust gas resulting in the rise of entropy and serious environmental pollution. There is a demand to utilize this waste heat from the vehicle into useful work output. Thus, the wasted heat can be used to run the absorption refrigeration system. The engine exhaust system is connected to the generator of the refrigeration system to supply the input heat required for the refrigeration process. The temperature of the evaporator was measured for various loading condition of the engine. The result indicates the performance of the refrigeration system. To increase the performance of the refrigerator with increase in temperature of the exhaust gas. In this experimental set up we obtained maximum cooling up to 16o C.


Heat Energy, Exhaust System, Absorption Refrigeration System, Engine Exhaust, Generator.

How to Cite this Article?

Yadav, J. S., Rao, C. M., and Kumar, V. V. (2020). Performance of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System using Waste Heat Source. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 10(3), 45-51. https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.10.3.17142


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