The Effect of Integrating Authentic Captioned Videos on Learning Collocation and Content Comprehension in Foreign Language Context

Sevgi Gülçin Güler *, Kagan Buyukkarci **
* Kamile Gürkan Secondary School, Isparta, Turkey.
** Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2020


This study aimed to find out impact of captioned authentic videos on learning collocations and content comprehension in foreign language learning. Participants of the study comprised of 7th grade state school students in Isparta, Turkey. In this experimental study, mixed method design was administered. For the quantitative research design a pre-test based on Vocabulary Knowledge Scale was conducted for both of the groups to see their collocation knowledge. The results of the pre-test also confirmed the groups' homogeneity, and then the participants were exposed to video intervention sessions for seven weeks. The experimental group viewed the videos with captions and the control group viewed them without captions. After completing six weeks of video intervention sessions, each group had a post-test. As the last part of quantitative research design, each group viewed another video with different presentation modes according to their groups. They had a video content comprehension test immediately after viewing the video. According to the results, experimental group outperformed the control group in both collocation learning and video content comprehension test; however the difference between the groups' scores were not statistically significant in collocation learning and content comprehension development. With the aim of having a holistic picture of the research problem, a semistructured interview was conducted among randomly chosen ten participants from the experimental and control groups for qualitative research design of the study. Findings of the qualitative research revealed that experimental group's participants formed positive attitudes towards viewing authentic videos with captions. On the other hand control group's participants mostly stated negative feelings on the process of viewing the authentic videos without captions.


Caption, Authentic Videos, Collocation, CLT, ICT.

How to Cite this Article?

Guler, S. G., and Buyukkarci, K. (2020). The Effect of Integrating Authentic Captioned Videos on Learning Collocation and Content Comprehension in Foreign Language Context. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 17(2), 30-54.


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