Statistical Calculation for Assessment of Durability of GFRC with SCM by Using Anova

Badrinarayan Rath*, Shirish Deo**, Gangadhar Ramtekkar***
* Department of Civil Engineering, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia.
**-*** Department of Civil Engineering, NIT, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2020


Durability of concrete has been largely studied in order to prevent steel corrosion of concrete reinforcement for the production of new concrete structures in extreme environments. Both liquid and gas permeability are the factors that lead to the deterioration of concrete and corrosion of the reinforcement. Hence, various researchers have suggested performing Electrical Resistivity Test, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test and Carbonation Test against the durability of the concrete. In this research, durability of concrete is improved by replacing cement and sand partially with fly ash up to 40% by weight and pond ash upto 20% by volume, simultaneously with introduction of glass fiber 0.1% volume of fraction. In this paper, importance of durability tests are analyzed by ANOVA method for measurement of corrosion and service life period is analyzed for various mixes.


Fly Ash, Pond Ash, Glass Fiber, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, ANOVA.

How to Cite this Article?

Rath, B., Deo, S., & Ramtekkar, G. (2020). Statistical Calculation for Assessment of Durability of GFRC with SCM by Using ANOVA, i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 10(1), 31-37.


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