Impact and Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sales and Marketing

Arun Kumar Neeli*
MBA Marketing, Palamuru University, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2020


In the recent years there have been rapid advances in the fields of information technology, processing power, data handling methods, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These advances impact businesses all over the world and play as a key role in their growth and development. Artificial Intelligence as a concept is changing the way companies work. Due to the enormous potential and applicability it is being implemented in many fields like information technology, retail industry, space science, automobile Industry, entertainment, medical, transportation, medical, social sciences, business management, etc. In this paper we will explore What is AI and how the advances of AI are impacting the growth and evolution of sales and marketing field. Additionally this paper discusses how different techniques and methods of AI are changing the activities and functions of sales and marketing. Finally, we will conclude with analysis on the present role of AI in lives of sales and marketing professionals.


Artificial Intelligence, Sales and Marketing, Applications, Impact, Machine Learning, Trends.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, N. A. (2020). Impact and Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sales and Marketing. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(1), 1-6.


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