A Process to Empower and Change the Behavior of an Aggressive Child: Luna's Story

Gila Cohen Zilka*
Department for Teaching Social Science and Communication, Bar-Ilan University and Achva Academic College, Israel.
Periodicity:February - April'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.13.4.17064


Aggressive behavior of children can take place in face-to-face encounters and in a wide range of encounters through social media, which exacerbating the difficulty experienced by those around the aggressive children. It is important to cultivate and empower emotional social skills in aggressive children. In this study, we present the story of Luna, a 14-yearold girl who was assessed as an aggressive child. The aim of this qualitative and narrative study was to document the process that Luna experienced while developing non-aggressiveways of coping. Fifty meetings between Luna and her mentor were captured on video. After each meeting, a narrative analysis of the video was performed, documented the encounter, and an interview was conducted with the mentor to achieve in-depth understanding. Luna has learned techniques for building alternative behaviors for those who have led to problematic situations, and will develop different scenarios and solutions to the situations she encounters. She learned to observe the behavior she chose and the sequence of events following that behavior; to delay her response to events, to plan her actions before choosing a response; to express her desires clearly; to share with others; to ask for help; to strive to choose words that explain, describe, and bring closer, rather than words that create distance.


Relationship, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Well-being, The Elements Way, Mentors, Empowerment, Youth, Behavior, Dialog.

How to Cite this Article?

Zilka, G. C. (2020). A Process to Empower and Change the Behavior of an Aggressive Child: Luna's Story. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(4), 44-57. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.13.4.17064


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