Seismic Analysis and the Influence of Zone Factor of a Multi Storey Hospital Building – a Case Study

K. Subramanian*, M. Velayutham**
* Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
** PhD candidate, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:March - May'2012


Earthquake on 26th January 2001 in Gujarat clearly demonstrated the earthquake vulnerability of India. Almost more than 60% of our land is vulnerable to earthquake of magnitude more than 7. This leads to the professionals to carry out the research on seismic forces that influence on the structures. This paper presents a detailed case study of an upcoming Ten Storey Hospital building analyzed in ETABS using Response Spectrum analysis of IS 1893 (Part1):2002. The proposed structural system for the hospital building consists of conventional beam, column and slab system with lift walls and walls around staircase acting as shear wall. Lateral Stability is provided by shear walls and columns. The upcoming building is proposed to construct in the Zone III region. Importance factor of 1.5 is considered for the structure considering its functionality. The case study discuss on the influence of various zone factors and the codal provisions, when the same building to be located in different regions. Ductile systems are taken in the study, where inelastic analysis procedures effectively account for several sources of force reduction. The earthquake ground acceleration in each direction is given as a digitized response-spectrum curve of pseudo- spectral acceleration response versus period of the structure. The peak response quantities such as member forces, displacements, storey forces, storey shears and base reactions shall be combined as per Complete Quadratic Combination method. The accidental eccentricity is given as direct input in all floor diaphragms. The dynamic analysis results such as modal participating mass ratios, response spectrum base reaction, storey shears, storey displacements and storey drifts are discussed in detail. Animated results of the displacement due to all modes along with their respective time period are displayed for more understanding of the structural behavior. First and Second modes are found to be in translation and third mode is of torsional mode, which is an acceptable solution to proceed with detailed design.


Case Study,Seismic Analysis,Zone Factors,Response Spectrum,Time Period and Mode Shapes.

How to Cite this Article?

Subramanian, K., and Velayutham, M. (2012). Seismic Analysis and the Influence of Zone Factor of a Multi Storey Hospital Building – a Case Study. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 1(1), 39-47.


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