Fibers Image Analysis: A Review of Fibers Processing Techniques

Lalit Prakash Saxena*
Applied Research Section, Combo Consultancy, Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2020


Fibers image analysis is a new approach used in textile industries based on image processing techniques to enhance fiber imaging applications. These applications include fibers defects detection, fabrics wrinkle measurement, and fabric surface roughness evaluation that employ image processing techniques. This paper presents a review of fibers and fabrics image analysis applications using image processing techniques. These analysis applications outlay digital image processing techniques and employ specific procedures for specific purposes. Some of these procedures are morphological and mathematical operations, and soft-computing techniques finitely used for the processing of the fibers and fabrics images. This reduces manual labor in locating or detecting the defects in the fibers as well as in the processed fabrics. The advantage of using imaging applications is in monitoring the fibers from its preparation, through the knitting for fabric formation to final packaging of the fabrics. It is evident from this review that there is more to achieve in fibers analysis using image processing. As far as the images are concerned, a standard database of fabrics and fibers images is the need of the current textile industries to test and evaluate new innovative methods and imaging applications.


Fibers Analysis, Fabrics Evaluation, Defect Detection, Image Processing, Imaging Applications.

How to Cite this Article?

Saxena, L. P. (2020). Fibers Image Analysis: A Review of Fibers Processing Techniques. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 7(2), 28-40.


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