Determining the Aspects that Contributes to Raise in Attrition of Teachers in Bhutan: An Exploratory Study

Nima Dorji*
Ministry of Education, Bhutan.
Periodicity:March - May'2020


Teachers shortage is one of the major concerns in the public schools of Bhutan and the impact on academic achievement is very much overwhelming. The data collected within the period of five years (2015-2019) shows the increase in attrition rate by 3.98% which is a concern for the education sector of Bhutan. Yearly the voluntary resignation of the teachers is increasing despite the different strategies and policies put into practice by the ministry to retain the experts. Despite the hard effort from the government, there is a decrease in graduate opting for the teaching profession and an increase in senior teachers resigning before retirement. It is high time for the education ministry to come with the advance policy on retaining the teachers which otherwise will further deteriorate the education system due to frequent movement of teachers in the system. After going through the literature, the researcher came with few suggestive measures which were already into practice but the need was on further refining it; wages and incentives, working environment, teacher's placement, leave and leave encashment, ease of workload, and personal factors.


Attrition, Retention, Bhutan, Teacher Shortage, Retirement, System, Measure.

How to Cite this Article?

Dorji, N. (2020). Determining the Aspects that Contributes to Raise in Attrition of Teachers in Bhutan: An Exploratory Study. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(4), 11-16.


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