Behavior of 22m Two Tiered Geogrid Reinforced Soil Wall

Ankesh Shrivastava*, D. Kishan**
* Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Sati Vidisha.
** Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Manit Bhopal.
Periodicity:March - May'2012


Two types of 22m Two Tiered and 44m Four Tiered high geogrid reinforced soil walls with same kinds of concrete block wall facing were constructed in Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh in which 22m high vertical reinforced soil wall with concrete block wall facing has been started and using for the transportation purpose. From the beginning of the 22m reinforced wall construction stage, wall displacement or strain of the geogrid, earth pressure, settlement of the foundation ground, etc. were measured for a long period of time. The long term behavior of the geogrid reinforced soil walls was evaluated based on these measurements and observations. This paper present a case history illustrate the use of finite-element procedure as a design aid for the design and analysis of 22m two tiered soil wall by software PLAXIS 8.2. The finite-element analysis provides relevant information on the mechanical behavior that was otherwise difficult to obtain from the limit-equilibrium based current design approaches.


22m Geogrid,Reinforced Soil Wall,PLAXIS 8.2.

How to Cite this Article?

Shrivastava, A., and Kishan, D. (2012). Behavior of 22m Two Tiered Geogrid Reinforced Soil Wall. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 1(1), 26-33.


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