The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Learning Motivation

Furkan Canbay*
School of Foreign Languages, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
Periodicity:February - April'2020


The research aims to investigate the relationship between cultural intelligence and language learning motivation. It looked at the effects of personal features and language use of participants on their cultural intelligence and language learning motivation. It was a quantitative study and carried out at a state university in Turkey. The study sample consisted of 96 preparatory class students. The data were collected through Personal Information Form, Cultural Intelligence Scale and Language Learning Motivation Scale. Visiting foreign internet sites, scores gained from English midterm exam, their willingness to read a novel written in English and their willingness to go abroad to improve English proficiency had a positive influence on language learning motivation. Visiting foreign internet sites was also effective on their levels of cultural intelligence. It was found that there was a high and positive correlation between cultural intelligence and language learning motivation. The findings of the current research may lead to practical implications in the search of a remedy for the motivation problem in language education. Intercultural exposure can be a way of enhancing motivation which has a multifaceted structure in its nature.


Cultural Intelligence, Intercultural Communication, Language Learning Motivation, Language Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Canbay, F. (2020). The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Learning Motivation. i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(4), 34-43.


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