Microcontroller based an Embedded System for Railway Gate Monitoring and Controlling

Pranali S. Wagh*, A. B. More**, S. A. Pote***, T. K. Pise****, S. C. Pathan*****, S. K. Tilekar******, Prashant V. Mane Deshmukh*******
*-****** Department of Electronics, Shankarrao Mohite Mahavidyalaya, Akluj, Maharashtra, India.
******* Department of Electronics, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Commerce and Science, Pune, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jes.8.1.16992


The trends of electronic devices applications are changes with the evolutionary change in the electronics technology. The field of embedded technology is growing with advanced microcontrollers. Due to this, electronic system is widely used in different sectors for monitoring and controlling. On observation, it is found that controlling railway gate crossing is one of the most important concept and it is proposed to develop and deploy the advanced microcontroller for the same. Hence, the literature survey has been carried out and proposed to deploy advance microcontroller of PIC family to develop a prototype for the present system for monitoring and controlling the railway gate. For this the IR sensor is deployed to sense the position of the train and corresponding signal is processed by microcontroller according to the user firmware to generate control action of closing or opening the railway crossing gate. To cater the need of mechanical movement, DC motor is deployed in the proposed system. On investigation of the deployment of to prototype for practical purpose, it is observed that the system works successfully with high reliability.


IR Sensors, PIC Microcontroller, 16F877A, ISP, Embedded System.

How to Cite this Article?

Wagh, P. S., More, A. B., Pote, S. A., Pise, T. K., Pathan, S. C., Tilekar, S. K., and Deshmukh, P. V. M. (2019). Microcontroller based an Embedded System for Railway Gate Monitoring and Controlling. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 8(1), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.26634/jes.8.1.16992


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