Effectiveness of Political Promotion Messages Posted or Shared on Facebook

Pankaj Yadav*
Department of Commerce, Dr.Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Post Graduate College, Nahan, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jhss.1.1.16975


Social media platform has flipped aside the traditional culture for political campaigning, and have acquired a dominant place in today's politics. Social networking sites help political parties to directly communicate and interact with the voters on one hand and voters are provided a platform to share their opinions on the other. Facebook is the mostly used social networking site in India. This paper examines whether the political promotion messages change the voting choice of people in Himachal Pradesh. It also identifies the factors which affect the choice of voters in the elections. Further the relation between socio-demographic characteristics of Facebook users and the possibility of changing their intention of voting, have been examined in the present study. Data was collected from a sample of 330 respondents through a well-structured questionnaire. The data was collected from all three divisions of Himachal Pradesh by asking close-ended questions regarding the attitude of people towards political promotion message posted on Facebook. For analyzing and interpreting data in the present study, basic statistical tools, chi-square test (test of independence) and logistical regression analysis were used with the help of SPSS 16.0 version. It has been observed that there is statistically a significant difference between qualification, occupation of the people and the possibility of changing their political orientation. However, statistically there is no significant difference between gender, age, area of residence, annual income of respondents and the impact of political promotion messages on the Facebook users. Further, out of eight variables considered in the present study, only five factors i.e., Importance of politics for respondents, their perception that political promotion messages puts impact on voters, the frequency of receiving political promotion messages on Facebook, tendency of forwarding political promotion messages to Facebook friends and habitude of discussing contents of political promotion messages with friends have been positively influencing voters political preferences. This model has the overall predictability of classifying 78.5% cases correctly and exhibited that 94.1 % people are classified for getting influenced by political promotion messages whereas 39.4 % people are for classified for not getting influenced by the political messages posted on Facebook.


Political Promotion Message (PPM), Social Sites, Facebook, Political Orientation.

How to Cite this Article?

Yadav, P. (2019). Effectiveness of Political Promotion Messages Posted or Shared on Facebook. i-manager's Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 1(1), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.26634/jhss.1.1.16975


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