Development of AI Controllers for Smooth Operation of WDFIG Under Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Faults

Debirupa Hore*
School of Engineering, Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2020


This paper proposes a design of artificial intelligence (AI) based active and reactive power controller in rotor side converter (RSC) and voltage controller in Grid side converter (GSC) to improve the performance of vector controlled wind turbine driven especially during symmetrical fault conditions. The design and training parameters of the two types of AI based controllers are presented along with the aid of hysteresis current controlled (HCC) PWM technique. The design methodology provided in this system controls the d and q axis rotor currents in stator flux oriented reference frame to control the stator reactive and active power. The conventional PI controllers were then replaced by ANN and ANFIS controllers successively and the performance were observed and compared. It has been observed that the controllers efficiently reduces the transients in rotor currents, generated active power and generator speed and maintains stability by providing reactive power requirement to the grid during fault without using any external hardware device. The use of intelligent controllers reduces complex calculation and ensures smooth operation of DFIG during dynamic conditions. The entire model is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment.


DFIG, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Vector Control, Wind Energy, Fault Ride Through (FRT).

How to Cite this Article?

Hore, D. (2020). Development of AI Controllers for Smooth Operation of WDFIG Under Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Faults. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 7(4), 1-13.


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