Using Open Learning Resources – The Difference between Teachers of Different Disciplines, Gender, and Roles in School

Orit Zeichner*
Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, TelAviv, Israel.
Periodicity:December - February'2020


This study examines gender differences and teacher's profession in teachers' use of open learning resources. It aims to help understand the way Open Educational Resources (OER) should be assimilated in the education system. This study was conducted in a qualitative research approach that checked correlations between variables. The research participants are 76 teachers from various schools, about half of them from a vocational school chain and the other half are from academic schools. The results show that teachers of technological subjects use open educational resources more than teachers of humanities do. Gender differences were found in the use of open learning resources. Among male teachers there was greater use of open learning resources than among female teachers.


Open Educational Resources, Learning Object Repositories, Primary Sources, Professional Development.

How to Cite this Article?

Orit, Z. (2020). Using Open Learning Resources – The Difference between Teachers of Different Disciplines, Gender, and Roles in School. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(3), 32-46.


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