A Study of Anti Spoofing: Vital in Face Recognition Systems

Tanvi Joshi*
Department of Computer Science, Saffrony Institute of Technology, Gujarat, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpr.6.3.16927


Face recognition is the second most widely used biometric approach after fingerprint. The applications of Face recognition are widely accepted and finding their space either at an organization or individual level due its adaptability among the people. But FR systems are vulnerable to spoofing attacks made by non-real human faces. Liveness detection is required for a secure program to protect against such spoofing. In this work, face liveness detection approaches are categorized based on types of techniques used for liveness detection. This classification helps in understanding various spoof attack scenarios and their relation to the formed solutions. A review of the previous works respect to face liveness detection is presented. The main objective is to outline the future development of a new and more secure liveness detection approach for face.


Anti-Spoofing, Liveness Detection, Face Recognition, Face Biometric, Face Spoofing.

How to Cite this Article?

Joshi, T. (2019). A Study of Anti Spoofing: Vital in Face Recognition Systems. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 6(3), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpr.6.3.16927


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