Biometric Finger Prints Security System for Clock-In and Clock-Out for Primary School

Yahaya Mohammed Sani *, Marcel Peach Umeh**, Mamman Adamu***
*-** Department of Information and Media Technology at the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
*** Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


Security of life and property in any society is indispensable.Security is a major problem for both the government and the citizens of the global community, as it is obvious Nigeria is presently bedevilled with security challenges such as the kidnapping and abduction. This is because the high rate of abduction of primary and secondary pupils in the country is becoming alarming, the educational institution is gradually becoming a source of hostility and nightmare for a child. However, the proposed system was designed and implemented to effectively solve this problem with the use of fingerprint biometric technology, the system is designed to authenticate whoever is picking a child from school and authorise the student clock out for the day. The system reduces the risk of impersonation during student pick-up in school.


Fingerprint, Biometrics, Clock-in, Clock-out, Kidnapping, Abduction and Insecurity.

How to Cite this Article?

Sani, Y. M., Umeh, M. P., and Adamu, M. (2019). Biometric Finger Prints Security System for Clock-In and Clock-Out for Primary School. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 6(3), 7-17.


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