Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Pressurized Non-Circular Container

Nikhilkumar V. Koshti *, Abhishek S. Kanaskar**, M. D. Limaye***
*-*** Research & Development Establishment (Engrs.), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Pune, Maharastra, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.10.2.16876


A non-circular container used for storage and transportation of delicate items, avoiding direct contact with the environmental conditions is studied here from the stiffness point. Corrugated sheet used as side panels of the container is subjected to internal pneumatic gauge pressure of 0.1 to 0.35 bar, which increases the stiffness leading to smaller sheet thickness. A combination of the corrugated sheet and plain sheet of smaller thickness is subjected to internal pressure, and its stiffness is compared with that of a corrugated sheet of larger thickness. These two different options for the side panels are analysed numerically through Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS software and results are validated with the experiment conducted. The container structure developed for experimental purpose is depicted here and has been analysed under different pressure conditions to determine its sustainability. Thus it is found that a single corrugated sheet of larger thickness exhibits better stiffness than the combination of corrugated sheet and plain sheet. The use of a single corrugated sheet has been proposed for the side panel of a non-circular container, which gives better structural rigidity with optimized weight and manufacturing suitability.


Corrugated Sheet, Non-Circular Container, Experimentation, Finite Element Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Koshti, N. V., Kanaskar, A. S., and Limaye, M. D. (2020). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Pressurized Non-Circular Container. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 10(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.26634/jme.10.2.16876


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