Leading with ‘emotional’ intelligence – Existential and Motivational Analysis in leadership and leadership development

Thomas Mengel*
PhD, professor or Leadership Studies, Remaissancs College, University of New Brunswick.
Periodicity:February - April'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.4.1687


This conceptual and practical paper is integrating the work of Viktor Frankl (1985) and Steven Reiss (2000, 2008) into a model of Existential and Motivational Analysis (EMotiAn). This integrated model and approach may provide scholars, educators, consultants and practitioners alike with an innovative and meaningful framework for leadership and leadership development. First, it will be discussed how the two approaches to motivation presented by Frankl and Reiss may serve as a basis for leadership and leadership development. In particular, the paper will show how the Sources of Meaning Profile (SOMP; Reker, 1996), a scientifically developed instrument based on Frankl’s work, allows individuals to identify and prioritize areas of meaningful engagement and value actualization. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how the Reiss Motivational Profile (RMP) and the respective strivings and values of an individual may allow for a ‘balanced’ evaluation and coaching process. Both, the SOMP and the RMP-strivings and values, are integrated into a coherent leadership and (self-) leadership development model based on an Existential and Motivational Analysis (EMotiAn). Finally, the application of the EMotiAn will be described presenting the case of the coaching client Sam Someone.


Leadership; leadership development; coaching; motivation; meaning.

How to Cite this Article?

Thomas Mengel (2012). Leading With 'Emotional' Intelligence – Existential And Motivational Analysis In Leadership And Leadership Development. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(4), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.4.1687


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