Land Resource Management Through GIS and Remote Sensing

Jyoti Jain Tholiya*
Marathwada Mitramandal’s College of Architecture (MMCOA), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


Land use planning has been promoted as an important tool for sustainable use and management of land resources. Land use-Land cover classification is a fundamental dataset required in land use planning used by planners, legislatures, national, state and local planning agencies to overcome the problems such as uncontrolled development, haphazard growth, loss of agriculture land and deteriorating environmental quality. To make future action plans. This research paper focuses on conserving land resources to increase the welfare of the people through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques. The current study proposes a Land Resource Action plan for arable land, wasteland, forest land and Hills. The alternative Land use systems have been recommended for different Land use-Land cover classes. The cropping pattern, improved agronomic practices, suitable crops, trees, and grasses have been suggested. For the development of forest, different soil-water conservation measures with afforestation of suitable species have been suggested as per land capability.


GIS, Remote Sensing, Land Resource Management, Land use-Land cover classification, Soil Conservation, Water Conservation.

How to Cite this Article?

Tholiya, J. J. (2019). Land Resource Management Through GIS and Remote Sensing. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 6(3), 18-26.


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