th grade students from a high school, Gaziantep. The participants were divided into experimental and control groups by random sampling. Within the 15 weeks of experimental process of the study, various competition games designed by the researcher were played with the experimental group unlike the control group which continued their lessons without playing games. The sympathetic tendency questionnaire was applied at the 14th week to discover whether there is a relation between the various competition games and sympathetic tendency of participants towards English lesson and a vocabulary knowledge test was applied as pre and post-test to see the progress and find whether there is an effect of various competition games on students' vocabulary knowledge.

The results state that sympathetic tendency of students did not change when experimental and control groups' results were compared. However, according to sympathetic tendency results compared to genders (t=3.599; p=.000), female participants' results (M=139.68) were higher than male participants (M=128.78). Besides, results of the study demonstrated that various competition games were practical to improve vocabulary knowledge EFL learners in Turkey according to post test results of experimental (M=34.23) and control groups (M=24.18) (t=12.762; p=.000). The results indicate that various competition games were effective to improve collaboration skills according to results between the experimental (M=4.57) and control group (M=4.29) (t=2.484; p=.014).


A Study on Sympathetic Tendency of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Learners through Competition Games

Halenur Celikturk*, Filiz Yalcin Tilfarlioglu**
* Ministry of National Education, Gaziantep, Turkey.
** Department of Foreign Languages Education, Gaziantep University, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2020


This study aims to answer whether there is a relation between various competition games played in ELT (English Language Teaching) classrooms and sympathetic tendency of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners towards English lesson. The study was carried on 302 participants consisting of 9th grade students from a high school, Gaziantep. The participants were divided into experimental and control groups by random sampling. Within the 15 weeks of experimental process of the study, various competition games designed by the researcher were played with the experimental group unlike the control group which continued their lessons without playing games. The sympathetic tendency questionnaire was applied at the 14th week to discover whether there is a relation between the various competition games and sympathetic tendency of participants towards English lesson and a vocabulary knowledge test was applied as pre and post-test to see the progress and find whether there is an effect of various competition games on students' vocabulary knowledge.

The results state that sympathetic tendency of students did not change when experimental and control groups' results were compared. However, according to sympathetic tendency results compared to genders (t=3.599; p=.000), female participants' results (M=139.68) were higher than male participants (M=128.78). Besides, results of the study demonstrated that various competition games were practical to improve vocabulary knowledge EFL learners in Turkey according to post test results of experimental (M=34.23) and control groups (M=24.18) (t=12.762; p=.000). The results indicate that various competition games were effective to improve collaboration skills according to results between the experimental (M=4.57) and control group (M=4.29) (t=2.484; p=.014).


Sympathy, Competition Games, Sympathetic Tendency, Empathy.

How to Cite this Article?

Celikturk, H., and Tilfarlioglu, F. Y. (2020). A Study on Sympathetic Tendency of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Learners Through Competition Games. i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 10(3), 35-56.


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