A Web-Based Screening System For Dyslexic Pupils: Do Teachers Need It?

Nor Hasbiah Bt. Ubaidullah*, Jamilah Hamid**
* Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry, Malaysia
** Lecturer, Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry, Malaysia.
Periodicity:February - April'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.4.1685


Currently in Malaysia, schools that conduct the Dyslexia Special Program for dyslexic pupils have to rely on a manual screening instrument, which is cumbersome and slow in diagnosing dyslexic traits in pupils. Thus, this study was carried out to examine prevailing problems that helped in formulating an appropriate solution to overcome existing problems. A qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews was used involving two teachers and a school principal from a primary school in Malacca, Malaysia. Findings of the research showed that the existing instrument is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to making errors. Moreover, the interviewees professed a strong need for a new instrument that could ease the screening process. More important, these findings underscore the imperative to introduce a new, novel screening application that is both efficient and effective to help schools involved in teaching dyslexic children.


Dyslexia, dyslexia checklist instrument, dyslexia special program, dyslexic students, screening process.

How to Cite this Article?

Nor Hasbiah Bt. Ubaidullah and Jamilah Hamid (2012). A Web-Based Screening System For Dyslexic Pupils: Do Teachers Need It? i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(4), 15-23. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.5.4.1685


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