Efficient Database Design and Implementation of Students Academic Results Processing System (SARPS)

Taiwo Olusegun Ojeyinka*, Matthew Olusegun Afolabi **
* Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo, Nigeria.
** Department of Physics & Electronics, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo, Nigeria.
Periodicity:December - February'2020
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.7.4.16849


A huge amount of time is spent on manual vetting of processed results to resolve errors in the output generated from the computerization of students academic results for higher institutions in Nigeria. This is not only for salient errors that can be discovered during the verification of results, but also for inconspicuous errors that pass through computed results unnoticed. Such errors can be attributed to errors associated with technical designs of the database and non- compliance of results processing with the institution's rules and study requirements, especially when such rules and requirements are violated. Currently, such errors, in most cases, are often resolved by manual vetting after processing. Some technical issues need to be resolved for reliable computerization of student results. This study provides design solutions that guarantee the correctness and responsiveness of result outputs without manual intervention in computerizing the academic results of the students. The results show that such design approaches save the time spent on manual vetting of computerized results and ensure the reliability of the processing system. Some technical issues are identified and corrected in the development of the system, in addition to the computations of the semester and cumulative GPAs.


Database Design, Design Errors, Normalisation, Results Processing.

How to Cite this Article?

Ojeyinka, T. O., & Afolabi, M. O. (2020). Efficient Database Design and Implementation of Students Academic Results Processing System (SARPS). i-manager's Journal on Computer Science, 7(4), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.7.4.16849


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