Memory and Learning – A Study from Neurological Perspective

M. Parimala Fathima*, N. Sasikumar**, M. Panimalar Roja***
*Faculty, Center for Research in Education, Thava Thiru Kundrakudi Adigalar College Campus, India.
**-*** Research Scholar, Center for Research in Education, Thava Thiru Kundrakudi Adigalar College Campus, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2012


Learning is the acquisition and storage of information as a consequence of experience. The human brain is designed in such a way that thousands of bits of sensory data are processed each minute. The brain pays attention to what is relevant to daily life, always asking: “What’s going on?” and “How is it important relevant to me?” The senses pass on 40,000 bits of information every second. The Neuro-science is to yet explore thoroughly about how a new memory is formed. The sensory stimuli hit the neurons in the appropriate sensory cortex. These crude sensations are then relayed through the thalamus and sent to the sensory association area of the neo-cortex where they are put together into, objects we recognize. Then the information is sent to amygdala for emotional evaluation and to the frontal cortex for content evaluation. On the basis of its analysis of physical features of the stimuli, the brain begins to construct meaning. Depending on the clarity in sense and its relevance, the new information is either retained or ignored. A thorough knowledge of the different parts of the human brain involved in the process of memory helps the teacher to adopt suitable methodology in the classroom. In this fast moving world, the learners expect the teacher to give everything in a nutshell. Hence the teacher has to organize the subject content in such a way that the students could understand, restore and retrieve the information easily and quickly. In this paper, we went through the meaning and needs of memory, and the categories of memory. Furthermore, We studied and explained eight aspects of memory activation strategies from the view of neurological perspective are suggested for practice in the classroom such as Mnemonic devices are strategies for enhancing memory, Engage in Adequate rehearsal, Schedule distributed practice, Minimize interference, Engage in deep processing, Emphasize Transfer, Enrich Encoding with Verbal Mnemonics, and Enrich encoding with visual imagery.


Neuro-science, sensory stimuli, neo-cortex, amygdala and Reporter potential and hippocampal formation.

How to Cite this Article?

M. Parimala Fathima, N. Sasikumar and M. Panimalar Roja (2012). Memory And Learning - A Study From Neurological Perspective. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(4), 9-14.


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