Development of a Morphological Image Analysis Based Quality Evaluation System for Fruits and Vegetables

0*, B. Sridhar**, Harika Nadipena***, Rahul Lokavarupu****
*-**** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2019


Today in the agricultural and food industry, a method of quality evaluation is required in order to grade the fruits and vegetables, to process them in huge scale. This would result in the increase of profits and prompted supply to the customers. So a quality evaluation method is required to handle the supply chain management. The proposed method is based on image processing technique for automated grading of fruits and vegetables. The method considers according to the maturity level in terms of quality attributes, such as size, shape, and surface defect. In this system, different image processing techniques like pre-processing of image, features extraction frame extraction are being implemented for final gradation of fruits and vegetables. Different attributes present in the sample will be analyzed. In this way, the proposed system would grade the given vegetables and fruits based on experts’ perception by using different image processing techniques.



Frame Extraction, Pre-Processing of Image, Mathematical Morphology, Features Extraction.

How to Cite this Article?

Kurakula, L. R., Sridhar, B., Nadipena, H., and Lokavarupu, R. (2019). Development of a Morphological Image Analysis Based Quality Evaluation System for Fruits and Vegetables. i-manager's Journal on Image Processing, 6(4), 18-27.


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