Power System Stability Analysis using Facts Device

Rajesh R. *, Palanikumar P.**
* Department of Power Systems Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering colllege, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thangavelu Engineering college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.7.2.16771


Over the years, one of the key areas of interest in power system is to achieve the adequate conditions needed for stability. Load changes, generator outages, line outages, faults and voltage collapses are some of the disturbances that affects the stable power system operation by dissipating energy. The amount of dissipation of transient energy is frequently used as a device to measure dynamic system restraining. This paper relates and discourses the control approach for suppressing unwanted electromechanical fluctuations in the power system with a STATCOM, a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) capable of generating or absorbing independently controllable reactive power at its terminal and TCSC is a device that is added in series to compensate the reactive losses in the transmission line. A SMIB power system was considered over a several disturbances. The results obtained, through MATLAB simulation, show the efficiency and strength of these devices in power system stability.


STATCOM, TCSC, Damping Oscillations, Critical Time.

How to Cite this Article?

Rajesh, R., and Palanikumar, P. (2019). Power System Stability Analysis using Facts Device. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 7(2), 27-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.7.2.16771


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