Reviewing The Barriers Associated With The Technological Needs Of Teachers In The 21st Century Education

Faezeh Seyedarabi*
Visiting Lecture, City University, London.
Periodicity:December - February'2012


This paper reviews barriers associated with the use of ICT tools by teachers in their classroom teaching at ‘technical’, ‘teaching’ and ‘school’ levels. The aim of this review is to highlight the fact that there is currently less research work on the kind of technology teachers need for adopting ICT tools in the 21st century education. There has been much work carried out on easing ICT and internet barriers through resourcing and teacher training. However, there is less work on the sort of technology that teachers would like to use for their teaching, particularly when searching online for teaching resources. Hence, a call for further research in web ‘personalisation’, an emerging direction that is currently adopted by technologists and the government was made as a proposed new approach or possible solution to the technical barriers of teachers.


Classroom Teaching, ICT, Internet, Teachers, Web, Personalisation

How to Cite this Article?

Seyedarabi ,F. (2012). Reviewing The Barriers Associated With The Technological Needs Of Teachers In The 21st Century Education.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 7(3), 46-55.


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