Validation of Critical Challenges During Requirements Implementation in Global Software Development with Empirical Study

Muhammad Yaseen*, Atta Ur Rahman **, Syed Wajid Kamal ***, Abdullah Khan ****, Aneeq Khan *****
* Department of Computer Systems Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Peshawar, Pakistan.
** Department of Software Engineering, Comsats University, Islamabad.
*** Department of Software Engineering, Abasyn University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
**** Department of Computer Science and Software Technology, University of Swat, Pakistan.
***** Department of Software Engineering, Iqra National University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Periodicity:October - December'2019


Requirements collection and management for software is very difficult phase of software engineering, especially when clients and vendors are far away from each other. In Global Software Development (GSD), there exist challenges such as language differences, culture differences and differences in time zones that are difficult to communicate properly. The purpose of this research was to validate the critical challenges during requirements implementation in the context of GSD through questionnaire survey that were previously identified using Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The results of survey show that factors such as “Lack of effective and proper way of communication”, “Lack of coordination and collaboration”, “Requirement management”, “Culture issue, time zone differences, language problem” are strongly agreed with frequency above 50%. As a result, these challenges are identified as critical in both literature and industry.


Global Software Development, Requirements Implementation, Empirical Study, Critical Challenges.

How to Cite this Article?

Yaseen, M., Rahman, A. U., Kamal, S. W., Khan, A., & Khan, A. (2019). Validation of Critical Challenges during Requirements Implementation in Global Software Development with Empirical Study, i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 14(2), 39-45.


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