In-Depth Comparison of Cross-Platform Generative Frameworks

Felipe Munhoz Afonso*, Daniel Lucrédio**
*-** Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil.
Periodicity:July - December'2019


As the popularity and complexity of mobile software grows, developers need to become more efficient. To unify coding to multiple platform into a single code base, different cross-platform tools were created. The current scenario is a saturated market, full of tools for developing applications for multiple platforms. Selecting the more adequate tool might be challenging, especially in those cases where the application needs to make use of resources other than just traditional screen input/output. This paper shows how some of the most popular tools currently available will perform in creating an application that makes use of camera and geographic location, and how each tool performs relatively to each other within this task. The results indicate that React Native may be the best choice for most cases, followed by Xamarin.


Cross-Platform Development, Mobile Applications, Generative Approach Frameworks.

How to Cite this Article?

Afonso, F. M., and Lucrédio, D. (2019). In-Depth Comparison of Cross-Platform Generative Frameworks. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies , 6(2), 29-36.


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