A university/ college, in competitive world, need to be enterprising, emphasising on effective extended outreach, knowledge/technology transfer & marketing- some strategies

Naik B.M*
Former Principal, SGGS Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nanded.
Periodicity:August - October'2011
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.7.1.1670


The paper presents in brief, need & importance of enlarging the scope of outreach and creating marketing/ technology transfer department in each university and college to transfer,  knowledge and sunrise technology, from lab to field and vice-versa. Universities/colleges, both the private and government, in competitive world, will have to be enterprising in nature. They would have to enter into dialogue with industry by setting up on campus incubation centre, Research Park, Patent & IPR centre etc.

The paper illustrates the theme of technology transfer, outreach and marketing with observations from India and abroad. Experiences from western schools in this regard are quoted.  They have enriched their nations in terms of new knowledge and simultaneously augmented financial support for themselves. They earn around 25% of their budget, and thereby make education affordable, besides qualitative. In India, the links between university and industry are far too weak; the government funded universities are reported to be too stiff and inflexible. They are giving off the shelf course and syllabi prescription, regardless it is needed or not. This has resulted in mismatch, what is taught is not wanted and what is wanted is not taught.

The paper suggests that AICTE/ UGC should do benchmarking with the world best, make gap analysis and give in this respect new vector direction. This is urgent because our universities and colleges follow what these apex bodies prescribe.

Gains from making universities enterprising both to students and community are immense and far reaching.  Universities could become financially more viable and effective in their intended mission of teaching, if marketing wing is added in their frame work.

Tuition fees being collected from students can certainly come down to a certain extent, if technology transfer departments are introduced, which are found to be a profit centres.

Private institutes are too aggressive in marketing, and aided institutes are too sluggish. In either case education should remain the prime focus. The paper prescribes some precautions, so as to make most of the enterprising culture. To avoid distraction from teaching, an independent professional body consisting of alumni and industry to conduct enterprising activities is recommended.

Mobility of experts between academic world and corporate world is prescribed. They cannot become competitive unless they adopt marketing strategies to sell all that they have and needed by world economy. They have to be essentially customer focussed, fostering linkages outside, and not remain centripetal, i.e. inward looking. This is no more option but compulsion. Useful tips are added in this article for effective marketing strategy.


Technology Transfer, Technological Innovation, Campus Culture, Dialogue, Centripetal.

How to Cite this Article?

Naik , B. M.(2011). A University/ College, In Competitive World, Need to Be Enterprising, Emphasising On Effective Extended Outreach, Knowledge/Technology Transfer & Marketing - Some Strategies. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 7(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.7.1.1670


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