Simple Boost Control for Three Phases Quasi Z-Source Inverter

K. Rajesh*, V. S. L. Tirumala**, G. Siva Sankar***, M. Nagaraju****, A. Hanumaiah*****
*-***** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vignan's Lara Institute of Technology & Science, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2021


This paper deals with the analysis of a Quasi -Z source inverter with a simple boost control strategy presented for non conventional energy applications. The aim objectives of this paper are to increase the boost factor and reduced input ripple current. The switching pulses for the inverter are generated by using simple boost control strategy; the main advantage of this control technique is to reduce the inductor ripple and inductor value. Non conventional energy sources dependence upon the external climatic conditions, the input voltage and currents are varying accordingly, which affects the performance of conventional inverters with voltage and current fed inverter. To overcome the disadvantages of conventional inverters like Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), Current Source Inverter (CSI), and voltage fed inverter called as Z Source Inverter (ZSI)/quasi-Z source inverters (QZSI) are used. It can perform several functions such as Alternating Current (AC) to Direct Current (DC), DC to AC, DC to DC. It works as Buck Boost DC to AC without use of DC to DC conversion, by utilizing the shoot through states. QZSI is obtaining from original ZSI. Simulation of simple boost control of QZSI is carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink environment.


QZSI, VSI, CSI, Simple Boost Control.

How to Cite this Article?

Rajesh, K., Tirumala, V. S. L., Sankar, G. S., Nagaraju, M., and Hanumaiah, A. (2021). Simple Boost Control for Three Phases Quasi Z-Source Inverter. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 15(2), 10-16.


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