Designing of the Smart Patient Transportation System

Prashant V. Mane Deshmukh*
Department of Electronics, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Commerce and Science, Pune, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2019


Nowadays, the lifestyle of human being is becoming smarter due to smart electronics equipments for personal as well as domestic applications. The medical field is also powered by the use of advanced technologies in hospitals. Ambulances play a significant role to transport patients from home to hospital or from one hospital to other hospital. At the time of transportation of the patients, ambulances face many critical situations like heavy traffic, traffic signals, bad road including condition potholes, etc. Moreover, the patient in the ambulance bears the roads conditions like up and down and the vibrations of ambulance. Considering such facts, it is proposed to design the smart stretcher. The aim of present research work was to reduce the effect of potholes on roads, road structure and vibrations of ambulance on a patient traveling on a stretcher in a typical ambulance. Vibrations are sensed by a smart sensor and the electronic system is designed to adjust stretcher stand smoothly, hence the effect of potholes on roads, vibrations of ambulances are removed and it becomes easy for healthcare team to transport the patient. The electronic system consist of signal processing and actuators. The signal processing unit processed the sensed data from signal and according to that the output signal is produced to actuator. On implementation of the system, it is observed that the proposed system works satisfactorily.


Embedded System, Smart Stretcher, Patient, Healthcare, Ambulances, etc.

How to Cite this Article?

Deshmukh, P. V. M. (2019). Designing of the Smart Patient Transportation System. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 8(1), 24-30.


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