Second Order Sensitivity Analysis and Fundamental Frequency Based Optimisation to Perform Topology Optimisation of Continuum Structures using Evolutionary Algorithm

K. N. V. Chandrasekhar*, D. V. Tanuja**
*-** Department of Civil Engineering, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2020


Frequency based topology optimisation of continuum structures is a topic of keen interest. The main focus of this study is to propose a new method to optimise the frequency of continuum structures and perform topology optimization. A new second order approach for principal stress based sensitivity analysis using Taylor series is proposed in this study. The design objective is achieved using the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization and Evolutionary algorithm which is used to assign the optimised relative density. The coding is done using C++ and the optimal distribution is analysed using Matlab for fundamental eigen frequency and mode shapes. The variation of normalised fundamental frequency with each iteration is studied. A few standard problems from the literature are solved and the results are compared and presented. The results show that the proposed principal stress based sensitivity analysis is quite efficient and effective compared to other methods.


Principal stress, Sensitivity, Eigen, Frequency, Topology, Structural Optimisation, Continuum, Structures.

How to Cite this Article?

Chandrasekhar, K. N. V., and Tanuja, D. V. (2020). Second Order Sensitivity Analysis and Fundamental Frequency Based Optimisation to Perform Topology Optimisation of Continuum Structures using Evolutionary Algorithm. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 9(2), 7-17.


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