Findings Of Studies On Dyscalculia – A Synthesis

B. William Dharma Raja*, S. Praveen Kumar**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.
** Assistant Professor, Bethlahem College of Education, Karungal, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:November - January'2012


Children with learning disabilities face problems in acquiring the basic skills needed for learning. Dyscalculia is one among those learning disorders which affects the ability to acquire arithmetic skills that are needed to perform mathematical calculations. However this is a learning difficulty which is often not recognized. The objectives of this paper are to review studies and related literature on different types of dyscalculia; dyscalculics at various levels; relating dyscalculia to other learning disabilities; methods for overcoming dyscalculia; and comparison of dyscalculics and normal children. The dissertation abstracts international (1990-2010), the educational and psychological journals both at national and international levels, websites and related books have been reviewed for fulfilling the objectives of this paper. Among the studies reviewed, ten were taken from dissertation abstracts international, eleven from journals and six were from websites. The related literature was also collected from five books and from an Indian newspaper. Review of studies reveals the fact that less research has been done in the area of mathematical deficiencies. The need to conduct more researches on dyscalculia is essential in order to mitigate the problems of dyscalculics.


Learning Disabilties, Dyscalculia, Dyscalculics

How to Cite this Article?

B. William Dharma Raja and S. Praveen Kumar (2012). Findings Of Studies On Dyscalculia – A Synthesis. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(3), 41-51.


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