Role of Software Developer’s Happiness in Projects Success: A Proposed Developers Happiness Model (DHM)

Muhammad Yaseen*, Zahid Ali**, Atta Ur Rahman***
* Department of Information Technology, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
** ERISP Company, NWFP Peshawar, Pakistan.
*** Department of Computer Science, Comsats University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Periodicity:July - September'2019


Software engineering deals with all aspects of software that starts from requirement engineering phase and end on testing phase. It has been claimed by many researchers that a way to improve software developers’ productivity and software quality is to focus on people. Quality of people and the way they work in good environment is necessary for successful development of software. Similarly along with quality of people, project quality and successful delivery is associated with happiness of developers. The research paper is written in context of quality of product associated with happiness of developers. The objective is to propose Developers happiness model (DHM) that will suggest all possible practices needed for making developers happy and provide good environment for them to work. Through Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and empirical research study, we will achieve our goals. The conceptual framework of model along with preliminary results are presented.


Developers Happiness Model (DHM), Systematic Literature Review (SLR), SLR Protocol, Developer’s Happiness, and Developer’s Mood.

How to Cite this Article?

Yaseen, M., Ali, Z., & Rahman, A. U. (2019). Role of Software Developer’s Happiness in Projects Success: A Proposed Developers Happiness Model (DHM). i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 14(1), 34-41.


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