The Impact of Safe Internet Intervention Programs on Pupils

Orit Zeichner*
Department of Education, Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Periodicity:October - December'2019


The centrality of the internet in contemporary society as well as its advantages and dangers reinforce the need for safe internet education in a formal school setting. One hundred and eight school pupils tried out educational programs for intelligent use of the internet in one focused seminar day. This study examines the impact on attitudes of pupils towards intervention programs developed by students at the College of Teacher Training in Israel for intelligent internet use. The study related to four subjects: Online Privacy, Knowledge of Intelligent Internet Use Policy, Reporting and Sharing Information about Online Dangers, Exercising Discretion in Using Internet. It was found that safe internet intervention programs had a positive impact on respondents' attitudes. The girls, more than the boys, indicated that the educational program influenced their behavioral patterns. It was also found that in light of programs on "Detecting and Dealing with Internet Dangers" and "Reporting and Sharing Dangers in the Network”, instruction that does not necessarily contain positive content and does not put emphasis on correct use of the internet may prove more effective. The study findings show that it is of great importance to have system-wide education that encourages safe internet use among pupils.


Cyber Safety, Online Privacy, Internet Education, Safe Internet, School Intervention Programs.

How to Cite this Article?

Zeichner, O., (2019). The Impact of Safe Internet Intervention Programs on Pupils. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 16(3), 34-43.


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