Protection of Wind-Farm Integrated Series Capacitor Compensated Three-Phase Transmission Line Using Daubechies-10 Wavelet Transform

Gaurav Kapoor*
Department of Electrical Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, Kota, Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2019


This paper proposes a Daubechies-10 Wavelet Transform (Db-10 WT)-based fault recognition technique for Wind Farm Integrated Series Capacitor Compensated Three Phase Transmission Line (WFISCCTPTL). Though many techniques have been reported for shunt fault detection, the detection of converting faults, near-in relay faults, far-end relay faults, multiposition faults, faults around series capacitor bank, and varying the wind turbine units in WFISCCTPTL have not yet been reported. The proposed Db-10WT-based technique detects faults by using the fault currents recorded only at single end. The single sided captured fault currents of WFISCCTPTL are then decomposed using Db-10WT. Further, the Db-10 WT evaluates the amplitudes of detail coefficients. The fault factors such as fault location, resistance, and switching time of WFISCCTPTL are varied. It has been investigated that Db-10 WT can detect every type of faults very well. It has been discovered that Db-10 WT is robust to the variation in fault factors of WFISCCTPTL.


Db-10 Mother Wavelet, Fault Detection, Protection of Three Phase Transmission Line, Wind Energy.

How to Cite this Article?

Kapoor, G. (2019). Protection of Wind-Farm Integrated Series Capacitor Compensated Three-Phase Transmission Line Using Daubechies-10 Wavelet Transform. i-manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 7(3), 25-35.


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