Advancing a Curriculum Toward Improved Online Nurturing of K-12 Students

Michael K. Barbour*, Jason Siko**
* Instructional Design for the College of Education and Health Sciences, Touro University, California.
** Instructional Technology Consultant, Wayne RESA, Michigan, United States.
Periodicity:January - March'2020


Despite the massive growth in K-12 online learning, there are no opportunities for teachers to learn and develop skills to succeed as online instructors. This study is the third iteration of an action research project, which focused on improving a graduate instructional technology course and developing teachers with these skills. Previous results of the first two iterations are summarized, and qualitative data from the third round, consisting of blogs and course assignments were analyzed for emerging themes. These themes emphasize instructional design to solve problems associated with student performance, improve communication channels, and ensures that student age as a non-factor in online course success. Recommendations for future course iterations are presented as well.


Virtual Schooling, Action Research, Teacher Efficacy, Teacher Professional Development, Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogging

How to Cite this Article?

Barbour, M. K., and Siko, J. (2020). Advancing a Curriculum Toward Improved Online Nurturing of K-12 Students. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 16(4), 20-32.


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