The effectiveness of classroom-based supplementary video presentations in supporting emergent literacy development in early childhood education

Alaa Sadik*, Khadeja Badr**
* Associate Professor, Department of Instructional & Learning Technology College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, South Valley University, Egypt
Periodicity:November - January'2012


This study investigated the impact of supplementary video presentations in supporting young children’s emergent literacy development. Videos were produced by teachers using prototype software developed specifically for the purpose of this study. The software obtains media content from a variety of resources and devices, including webcam, microphone, PowerPoint slides, drawing board, and typing board in a simplified manner. Videos were supplemented to children who were identified as at risk to be viewed at home individually or with their parents. Participants were teachers and children in a full-day kindergarten in the Sultanate of Oman. Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL) scale and parent interviews were administered to measure the literacy skills and development of children in early childhood classrooms, and to understand children’s reactions to the use of classroom video presentations respectively. The results of TROLL indicated that no improvement had happened in the total score of oral language and literacy of the treatment group children (12) compared to the control group children. However, the treatment group children’s language use was improved significantly. Results from interviews showed that children liked video presentations prepared by their teachers, and parents found these videos useful for their children’s literacy development.


Early childhood education, emergent literacy, video presentation, multimedia

How to Cite this Article?

Alaa Sadik and Khadeja Badr (2012). The Effectiveness Of Classroom-Based Supplementary Video Presentations In Supporting Emergent Literacy Development In Early Childhood Education. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(3), 21-34.


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