An Investigation of School Employees' Readiness for Technological Changes (The Case of Faith Project)

Aykar Tekin Bozkurt*
Department of Education Management, Faculty of Education, Gaziantep University, Turkey.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


This study was conducted in order to gain an understanding of school employees' (school principals and teachers) technological readiness for change in relation to the example set by “FATİH Project: Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology” that has recently been implemented in schools throughout Turkey. In this study, participants' views on the process of readiness for change, were gathered through the use of a qualitative research method and were investigated in a case study. The data was collected using semi-structured interview forms, and the content analysis method was used to analyze the data. The findings were described and presented in tables. The study group consisted of 14 participants (principals and teachers) working at the secondary schools located in the central districts of Gaziantep Province. The main question of the study was determined as follows: “How ready are school employees in terms of technological knowledge and skill qualification (related to FATİH Project)?” According to participants' views, it was determined that in terms of readiness process for the FATİH Project change, several problems (technical, adaptational, educational) were experienced in schools and many solutions (individual, guidance, administrative) were developed by the participants to overcome these problems. The positive impact of teamwork among colleagues on the process was also identified.


Change, Change in Schools, Technology, FATIH Project.

How to Cite this Article?

Bozkurt, A. T. (2019). An Investigation of School Employees' Readiness for Technological Changes (The Case of Faith Project). i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(2), 26-36.


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