th grade case students, and a mentor teacher working in the Turkish state school, where the study was carried out. In line with the principles of lesson study, a research lesson focusing on teaching the present perfect tense was jointly prepared by the experienced teacher and the preservice teachers. The research lesson was firstly taught by the experienced teacher and observed by the pre-service teachers and the mentor teacher. Then, the lesson was retaught to another group of students by one of the pre-service teachers after the lesson was revised in the post-lesson meeting. The qualitative content analysis of the post-lesson meeting, which was conducted in the form of a focus-group interview following the first lesson revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the research lesson while the post-lesson meeting after the revised lesson did not uncover any lessonrelated issues. This finding shows that the experienced teacher-led lesson study has improved the lesson plan. At the end of the lesson study application, the pre-service teachers and the mentor teacher were given an open-ended survey aiming to collect their opinions about whether lesson study is an effective pre-service teacher development approach. They agreed on the effectiveness of lesson study, and the findings are discussed in line with relevant literature.


An Exploration of Lesson Study for Pre-Service English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education

Abdullah Coskun*
Department of English Translation and Interpretation, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


This study aims to incorporate lesson study into the teaching experience of pre-service English language teachers. The participants of the study are three pre-service English language teachers who completed the pedagogical formation certificate program, an experienced English language teacher, seven 6th grade case students, and a mentor teacher working in the Turkish state school, where the study was carried out. In line with the principles of lesson study, a research lesson focusing on teaching the present perfect tense was jointly prepared by the experienced teacher and the preservice teachers. The research lesson was firstly taught by the experienced teacher and observed by the pre-service teachers and the mentor teacher. Then, the lesson was retaught to another group of students by one of the pre-service teachers after the lesson was revised in the post-lesson meeting. The qualitative content analysis of the post-lesson meeting, which was conducted in the form of a focus-group interview following the first lesson revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the research lesson while the post-lesson meeting after the revised lesson did not uncover any lessonrelated issues. This finding shows that the experienced teacher-led lesson study has improved the lesson plan. At the end of the lesson study application, the pre-service teachers and the mentor teacher were given an open-ended survey aiming to collect their opinions about whether lesson study is an effective pre-service teacher development approach. They agreed on the effectiveness of lesson study, and the findings are discussed in line with relevant literature.


Lesson Study, Pre-Service Language Teacher Education, Teaching The Present Perfect Tense.

How to Cite this Article?

Coskun, A. (2019). An Exploration of Lesson Study for Pre-Service English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(2), 1-14.


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