Denoising QR Code for Recognition of Mobile Camera Captured Images

S.Haripriya*, T.Srisuma**, Y.Anilkumar***, T.Manojkumar****, Shaik Azeez*****
*-*****Department of Electonics and Communication, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated by JNTUK) Vizinagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2021


QR code verification is commonly used in many business applications. Every image which comes into scanner for classification, contains data about the item to which it is tagged. Standardized QR code symbols can store more data both vertically and horizontally. All the QR codes appear to be comparable in appearance, while all encoded code has different data. The accessibility of phones with computerized camera gives users a portable platform for unleashing the standard tag, rather than using a specialized scanner, as the conventional scanners have several limitations. The purpose of this article is to remove noise added to the QR code images captured by mobile phones using image processing techniques. After removing the noise the image can be used for recognizing the data associated with the QR code. The proposed methodology was tested in MATLAB and the results are presented.


QR Code, Camera Phone, Digital Noise, Denoising, Image Processing.

How to Cite this Article?

Haripriya, S., Srisuma, T., Anilkumar, Y., Manojkumar, T., and Azeez, S. (2021). Denoising QR Code for Recognition of Mobile Camera Captured Images. i-manager's Journal on Pattern Recognition, 8(2), 26-30.


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