Development of an Intelligent English Auction System

Fawehinmi Olatunji Bolu*, Ojokoh Bolanle Adefowoke**, Omomule Taiwo Gabriel***
*,*** Department of Computer Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo, Nigeria.
** Department of Information Systems, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


Auction is a system used for buying and selling where the goods are sold to the highest bidder in a list of bidders according to a pre-defined scheme. Over the years, auction systems have dominated the e-commerce arena by providing a more convenient platform for users to purchase and sell products over the internet than traditional markets. Even though the online platform proves convenient, determining an auction winner and allocating such items to the winner with timely notification is a challenge. Therefore, this research proposes the use of Fuzzy Logic Technique to intelligently rate the bidders in an auction process and determine the winner. In this research, the Fuzzy Triangular Membership Function was used for membership grading using four input variables with associated degrees of membership to the linguistic terms of the fuzzy input-output relationship. The system is implemented using Hyper-Text Markup Language 5 (HTML5) and Cascading Style Sheet 3 (CSS3) for client-side application interface, jQuery, AJAX, and PHP for the server-side interface and MySQL relational database management system as the back-end engine while WAMP Apache Server was used as a web server for testing and deployment purposes. However, an online performance survey was carried out based on several parameters such as easy navigation, user-friendliness, speed, functionality, reliability, effectiveness, and so on. Data obtained from user surveys were gathered and used to evaluate the system performance. The results obtained showed the practicality of the system for rating auction users and determining the winner. Comparative results also revealed that the system performs better based on previous findings in the reported literature.


Auction, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Fuzzy System Models, Fuzzy Logic Prediction, Fuzzy Database, Decision Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Bolu, F. O., Adefowoke, O. B., Gabriel, O. T. (2019). Development of an Intelligent English Auction System, i-manager's Journal on Computer Science, 7(3), 1-13.


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