The Effects of Gender Roles and Perceived Parental Attitudes on Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Faculty of Sport Sciences Students

Serdar Sucan*
Department of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, Sport Sciences Faculty, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.
Periodicity:August - October'2019


In this study, the effect of gender roles and perceived parental attitudes on career decision-making self-efficacy levels of university students was investigated. In addition, students' self-efficacy levels were evaluated according to gender, age, department, and class variables. A total of 248 students from different departments of Erciyes University Faculty of Sport Sciences participated in the study. Participants were administered the Gender Roles Scale (GRAS), Perceived Parental Attitudes Scale (PPAS), and Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CMSS). Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, Post Hoc test, Correlation analysis, and Hierarchical Regression analysis were used for the data. According to the results the study, gender roles and perceived parental attitudes of students had an effect on self-efficacy of career decision making. CMSS scores did not differ according to gender and grade, but differed by age and department. The fact that teachers have an egalitarian gender role can enable their students to have an egalitarian attitude. Therefore, it can be said that students should gain parental support in order to gain an egalitarian perspective on gender roles and guidance studies should be emphasized in order to develop their own thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes.


Gender, Parental, Attitudes, Career Decision, University Students

How to Cite this Article?

Sucan, S. (2019). The Effects of Gender Roles and Perceived Parental Attitudes on Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Faculty of Sport Sciences Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 13(2), 10-19.


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