Smart Meter Configuration for Better Energy Consumption with Fault Detection

Sayan Paramanik*, Indranil Kushary**, Krishna Sarker***
* Department of Customer support (Railway Engineering), Autometers Alliance Ltd., Noida, UttarPradesh, India.
** Department of Electrical Engineering, JIS college of Engineering, Kalyani, West Bengal, India.
*** Department of Electrical Engineering, Techno India University, Saltlake, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2019


Electricity is one in all the basic requirements of every person that is often used for industrial, domestic, and agricultural utilities. Proper billing with monitoring is essential for better energy optimization. Power burglary is that the biggest problem in present days that causes loss of electricity boards. This paper presents an Internet of Things (IoT) based smart bidirectional meter for automatic reading and billing system with Grid connected or islanding mode of smart grid having integrated renewable energies with the facility of prepaid and postpaid mode. This paper also describes how faults are detected with its position, without Global Positioning System (GPS). When a user consumes more than applied energy then this smart device interrupt the power and send the corresponding data to the server. This study used ATmega328pu as a primary microcontroller and ESP8266-12E for sending and receiving the data from the server.


Smart Meter, Power Burglary, Distribution Grid, ESP8266-12E, ATmega328pu, GSM (Global System for Mobile), (GPS) Global Positioning System.

How to Cite this Article?

Paramanik, S., Kushary, I., and Sarker, K. (2019). Smart Meter Configuration for Better Energy Consumption with Fault Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 7(1), 12-19.


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