Incorporation and Evaluation of Educational App

Yatendra Pal*, Riddhi Agrawal**
* Research Supervisor, Rai University, Ahmedabad, India.
** Research Scholar, Rai University, Ahmedabad, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2019


The use of innovative methods in educational institutions is not just crucial, it is downright imperative. It has the potential to not just improve education system, but also to empower students, strengthen governance, and create retention value of all that has been taught. Gone are the days of archaic ideologies and methods of teaching. In modern perspective, in order to relate with children, teachers need to be updated with innovative ways of teaching. For example, being internet-savvy is not an additional trait on the resume- it is a bare necessity. This is the age of the Internet and interaction. And hence interactive teaching is a much faster and more productive learning tool; which can only be harnessed if a teacher is technologically driven. The axiom 'learning never stops' is far more relevant for teachers, for they must evolve with time and explore mediums to facilitate a conducive, nurturing, and effective learning environment. In this study, the researcher wanted to know that an educational App is equally effective to lecture method on knowledge, understanding, application and skill domain or not. For this purpose, the researcher has developed an Educational App and administered on grade six students. In this experimental study, researcher selected 30 students as experimental group and 30 as control group by the random sampling method. Both the groups have equal number of high, average, and low achiever boy and girl students. Researcher selected post test, experimental group, and control group design. Teaching through educational app was run to twenty one days. After completion, a self made Educational App Achievement Test (EAAT) was administered on selected sample, which included 40 questions of 40 marks with multiple choices. Each right answer students got one mark. Data was analysed by mean, S.D., and t-value. The major findings of the study was there were no significant difference between the mean scores of all students as well as high achieves students and low achiever students.


Educational App (Edu App), Innovative Learning, Global Citizenship, Incorporation, Evaluation, EAAT.

How to Cite this Article?

Pal, Y., and Agrawal, R. (2019). Incorporation and Evaluation of Educational App. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 15(2), 45-57.


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