Impact Of Simulations On The Mental Models Of Students In The Online Learning Of Science Concepts

Kumar Laxman*, Dr. Yap Kueh Chin**
* Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
** National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Periodicity:September - November'2011


Numerous flash or java applet based simulations have been developed to improve students' comprehension of Science concepts, particularly the more complex or 'dry' ones. Simulations have been reported to be effective as instructional aids in scaffolding scientific learning by students since simulations support the explication of implicit understandings. Simulations are usually designed to allow students to actively manipulate variables to experimentially explore the relationships between these variables and their scientific applications. Rich associative thinking skills can also be infused in students by encouraging them to actively manipulate the simulations and learn on their own new science concepts without being prescriptively taught to by teachers as it often happens in Science classrooms. Misconceptions in the learning of Science concepts can more easily be identified and corrected in a timely manner. This paper examines indepth research studies that have been conducted on the effectiveness of integrating simulations in the teaching and learning of Science and the effects of simulations in developing sound understanding of Science precepts. Studies done by one of the author of this paper have also been described in explaining the performance of a group of in-service teachers in the applied use of simulations in the delivery of Science education.


Simulations, Science learning, Active Engagement, Educational Technology

How to Cite this Article?

Laxman,K. and Chin ,Y.K.(2011). Impact Of Simulations On The Mental Models Of Students In The Online Learning Of Science Concepts.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 7(2),1-12.


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