Open Source Web-Based Software: Security Challenges and Assessment Methodologies

Faraz Idris Khan *, Mamdouh Alenezi**
*-** Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Periodicity:July - September'2019


Open-source software is widely being adopted by developers due to their ease of accessibility over the internet. The increasing popularity of this kind of software development model has led to a huge number of such projects that exist on the internet. Since it is open access and the code is freely distributed, people usually face security issues when using them. The number of developers involved in such projects is thousands in number and likewise, the number of users using such projects is million in numbers. The purpose of this work is to discuss the security challenges and vulnerabilities of webbased open-source software systems. The work starts with a discussion of the common security assessment methodologies usually practiced by development teams to ensure security in such kind of software. The aim of this work is to create an updated reference or guide for developers wanting to use web-based open source systems securely.


Open Source Software, Software Security, Open Source Web Application Security, Security Assessment Methodology.

How to Cite this Article?

Khan, F. I., & Alenezi, M. (2019). Open Source Web-Based Software: Security Challenges and Assessment Methodologies. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 14(1), 42-52.


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